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Xpert® MRSA NxG

Accurate, Fast, On-demand PCR Test That Detects MRSA Directly from Nasal Swabs

Xpert<sup>®</sup> MRSA NxG

The Need

MRSA is an evolving threat that requires uncompromising solutions

  • Every year, new strains emerge and threaten to erode recent hard-fought gains in HAI prevention1
  • Active surveillance is proven to help reduce HAI rates,2 but sensitivity and speed are essential3
  • Effective infection control programs require an on-demand test that meets clinician and laboratory needs

(1) Bal et al. Genomic insights into the emergence and spread of international clones of healthcare-, community- and livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: Blurring of the traditional definitions. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 2016 6:95-101.;
(2) Hacek et al. Implementation of a universal admission surveillance and decolonization program for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) reduces the number of MRSA and total number of S. aureus isolates reported by the clinical laboratory. J Clin Microbiol. 2009 47(11):3749-52.;
(3) Wassenberg et al. Costs and benefits of rapid screening of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carriage in intensive care units: a prospective multicenter study. Crit Care. 2012 16(1):R22.

The Solution

The #1 on-demand test for MRSA colonization is now improved

  • Expanded coverage demonstrated using an extensive library of over 195 MRSA strains from around the world4
  • Updated primers detect both mecA and mecC strains and reduce false-positive results due to “empty cassettes”4
  • Validated for use with both rayon swabs and ESwab™ (Copan)4

(4) Xpert MRSA NxG Package Insert.

The Impact

Xpert MRSA NxG is an accurate, on-demand PCR test that provides actionable results in about an hour.

Shift your lab from reactive to proactive

  • Quickly identify MRSA-colonized patients who require contact precautions to reduce the risk of transmission and avoid costly outbreaks
  • Improve overall patient safety by reducing the risk of MRSA infection

The results

Studies have shown that MRSA screening programs using on-demand molecular tests contribute to:

  • Decreased MRSA infection rates in the ICU by 62%6
  • Reduced isolation days by 44%5
  • Decreased overall hospital costs5

(5) Wassenberg et al. Costs and benefits of rapid screening of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carriage in intensive care units: a prospective multicenter study. Crit Care. 2012 16(1):R22.;
(6) Jain et al. Veterans Affairs initiative to prevent methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections. N Engl J Med. 2011 364(15):1419-30.

Ordering Info

Xpert® MRSA NxG

Number of Tests: 10

Catalog #: GXMRSA-NXG-10

Xpert® MRSA NxG

Number of Tests: 120

Catalog #: GXMRSA-NXG-120

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